Here in Vermont we can have winters that are very difficult, filled with snow and weeks of below zero weather. This year however we have had it real easy with little snow and cold. The horses have enjoyed it as well as myself.
We�re starting to tease the mares getting them ready for the breeding season. We like to get them coming into heat early and be able to keep track of their cycle. It makes it easy when it comes time to getting mares in foal.
The breeding season can be a hectic one. Not only do we need to get our mares in foal but we also need to be ready to collect our stallion in a moments notice. When someone calls for semen, we need to collect and ship as soon as we can.
Denlore�s Desert Storm makes it easy. This stallion is just one big sweetheart and collecting him is very easy. Show Horse, Breeding Stallion and Best Friend. This stallion does it all. Talk to you all again soon.