Saturday, March 20, 2021

The Book Justin Morgan And The Morgan Horse Living On The Town Line


A True Story

This book explains the determined hunt which unearthed much history of the difficult lives of early Vermonters and their relationships with each other. Despite working full-time and running his own Morgan horse farm, Dennis researches far into the night on his computer, making phone calls to likely sources of information, and spending many weekends interviewing, tramping through brush and digging possible sites, Fourteen years later, the Morgan Homesite location is found.

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About The Author

Dennis Tatro is a Morgan Horse historian, breeder, researcher, and equine photographer. He has managed many Morgan Horse events like The Morgan Mile Trotting Races, the Lippitt Morgan Country Horse Show and Vermont Morgan Heritage Day. He has shown their Morgan Stallion, Denlore’s Desert Storm at dozens of horse shows and equine events all over New England and started “Morgan Row” at Equine Affaire in West Springfield Massachusetts. He has been involved with Morgan Horses since 1986 serving on the board of the Vermont Morgan Horse Association for ten years and has been President of the Lippitt Club for three years. Dennis and his wife Laura reside at Denlore Morgan Horse Farm in Sharon Vermont along with their Morgan Horses, Shih Tzu dog Ozzie and their two Muscovy Ducks Moe and Martha.