Friday, August 08, 2008

Breeding Season Conclusion

We have had several other Stallions in on the farm for collection and our breeding season has come to an end.
Tootsie was not as easy to breed as she had been in the past. The live covers just were not getting her in foal and I was beginning to be concerned about her breed ability.
We decided that we would make a last attempt at breeding her the third week of June. The owner did not wish to breed her any later than that date and if we could not get her in foal, then she would have to go home un-bred. We decided to breed her AI instead of live cover. This would give us better control over the time she would get covered.
We had the vet come as soon as she was in heat to ultra sound her and found that she would be dropping a follicle in several days. The vet came back several days later to breed her AI however the vet could not get here to cover her AI the next day so Laura had to breed her first mare by AI. With a quick over the phone tutorial, Laura did a fine job breeding Tootsie AI and we found two weeks later that she was in foal. SUCCESS!

We decided to send Jazzy home. We felt that since the amount of milk that she produced was questionable that we did not want to take a chance breeding her and sent her back to her owner.

Our twenty year old mare, Precious ended up in foal after we did AI at just one heat and she is doing fine. We hope she carries her foal full term and has no problems. Her age is a concern however she is in good condition. Her foal is being offered for sale before it is even born. We will keep you updated.
